
Merdeka KE-52

post kali ni sal MERDEKA memandangkan sok 31 august, dan kite semua sambut merdeka (jgn ingt isnin cuti jek yek~). ha! korg tau x pe theme meredeka for this year?

1 Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan

dah 52 thn kite merdeka. sy bangga jd rakyat Malaysia (ikhlas ni~). aman jek negara kite ni, bertuah la sb dilahir kan dan dpt jd rakyat negara ni.

aku x tahu nape time kecik2 dulu rasa hari dekat2 nak celebrate merdeka mesti rasa meriah sgt, tp bile dah besar ni dah x dpt rasa lagi perasaan tu. selalu mlm merdeka tu mst aku duk dpn TV nak tngok countdown dlm tv (time sekolah x leh kuar mlm). mayB coz kat sekolah der wat majlis sambutan hari kemerdekaan dan aku selalu amik bahgian dlm xtvt tu, coz that rasa meriah.
rindu time tu lak....

tp dari dulu sampai sekarang aku mmg x sabar nak tengok bunga api (fuh! menusuk hati la~). kwn2 dah plan mlm ni nak gie sambut merdeka kat ne. tp aku rasa nak sambut kat umh jek, tengok kat tv jek la.

huuu~ cantik!!!

mari kite sama2 b'syukur sb negara kita dah berjaya mengekal kan kemerdekaan nya sampai ke 52th... semoga ia kekal sampai bila2 dan semoga negara kite terus maju dan aman, amin~

MALAYSIA di hatiku

camping vs dusun

last week, khamis ptg... aku b'kobar2 nak lek kg walau aku ngah demam time tu. semua sb aku nk 1st puasa dgn parents. kali ni aku bkn lek JB tp aku lek n9 (dekat skit) sb family aku dah pindah sn (kembali ke asl). sblm umh baru kami siap di renovate, for this moment my parents duk kat umh wan (nenek) aku dlu. ari jumaat tu der kenduri, that 1st time aku dpt jmp semua sedara mara n sepupu sepapat belah ayah aku (kesian~~). sgt meriah kat sn. ofcoz la aku jd tumpuan sb aku org baru kat situ, cm2 soalan di tny kan (jenuh nk jwp).

1st puasa, 1st sahur... penuh dapur sb semua anak cucu wan aku der b'sahur sekali (perasaan luar biasa). pg2 tu semua dah lek umh masing2 sb der yg ne keje n ada yg der hal masing2. aku, still kat situ sb aku dah plan nak cuti sampai ptg ahad. tp pg2 tu gak wan aku ajak ke dusun, almaklum lah ngah musim buah lg kn (Xcited) semua brg2 bwk masuk van paklong, paksu aku yg ngah demam pun tlg gak angkut brg.

sampai jek kat dusun semua brg d bw masuk pondok kat situ. best tul suasana kt situ sb aman jek. sebelah dusun tu der sungai (suke!!!) bile pandang atas lak.. nampak buah2 yg tunggu di petik jek (rambai, mata kucing, langsat, manggis..byk la). tp.... time kami dtg tu bru pas ujan stop. ahaaa~~ tetibe mak tegur kaki aku b'darah, byk darah tu... aku igt luka tp x sakit lak. jeng! jeng! jeng! ha!!! aku dah agak ni mst pacat (tepat!!!) pe lagi... aku x sanggup nk tengok kaki aku dah, aku terus lari sekuat ati dgn brg2 still dlm pelukan terus ke pangkin yg der depan pondok tu. nak x nak ne la gak aku kuat kan semangat tuk tengok binatang yg d nama kan PACAT! fuh~ slamat sb die dh ilang (seronok eh isap darah aku..cis!)

tetibe paksu aku suh tngok kat celah2 kaki sb selalu pacat nyorok kat situ (wuhaaa!!!) pucat kejap muke aku. perghhh!!! x penah syeh ne gigit binatang lembek ni... (erk~) bile dah di spotcheck, si lembek tu dah x der (syukurrr~) paksu aku lak dok gelak kan aku (ceh! malu...) tp darah kat kaki tu x berhenti2 until 1 masa aku tengok dah kering jek (x batal puasa kan~) tp tu kenangan yg best la.

mlm tu buka kat dusun... huuu~ sejuk...(cam kat genthing :P) byk giler masakan. sahur pg tu pun kat dusun gak, cam nak bergulung jek dlm comfortet x nak bangun (sejuk...) tp bangun gak la, pas makan pe lg...tido lek. bangun2 kul 10am tu cuaca still sejuk, malas nye~ tp bile dgr mak nak gie mandi kat sungai (ahai~ senyum jap) terus aku bangun cepat2 huhu. best giler dpt mandi sungai... jernih tul air die... klu kat KL or JB jgn harap la nak nmpk sungai yg jernih (kan~kan~) syok men air x sangka dah lama kat dlm tu. ptg tu kul 6pm aku lek ikut paklong. mak, abah, wan n atok duk situ for 1 week sb nak turun kan buah2 tu so leh jual.
bile2 aku nak bwk kwn2 aku gie sana... mesti mereka suke. :)

view dlm pondok

manggis+kelapa+wan :)

jeti yg abah wat supaya senang nak turun ke sungai

ayam bakar recepy abah ku

my dad yg ngah wat ayam kukus


lain yg di harap lain yg datang

besa la setiap org der seswatu yg di sukai, aku pun sama gak. lama dah aku suka benda ni (benda ke? haha) boleh kata dekat 2thn la. aku penah nangis dan berusaha tuk dapat kan benda tu. sampai 1 ari ni aku dapat cerita2 yg x best. ala...sebenar nya aku tahu memang mustahil nak dapat tp aku dah suka so x leh wat pe. nak kata x berusaha lupa kan jek niat tu x juga, cam2 aku wat bg aku tawar hati tp x leh. finaly aku decided nak berusaha so klu x dpt pun puas hati (puas ati la sgt~) leh kata until now tu semua angan2 jek (kesian deh loh~). tp baru2 ni dan until now aku dah b'jaya anggap die kwn jek (yeah~) so pe die wat pun aku dh x rs pe2 (menakjubkan!)

baru2 ni der lak benda baru datang, hari2 menghantui hidup aku... aku x minta pun. nak kata aku layan x juga, aku bkn jenis yg suka layan sb aku ni sombong (tu sb x der bf hahaha). aku x suke layan org yg nk usha aku, aku ni... leh di kata x p'caya luv at 1st sign. aku gak bkn org yg sng2 nk jatuh cinta dan terima org sng2 jek dan x kan terima org tu just sb nak try bg die peluang (bkn memilih). die kata die suka org yg ssh nak dpt (aku x suke ayt tu, cm x leh d p'cayai). tp die kata gak jgn jual mahal sgt nnt x der org nak (sury benda tu x effect).
baru kenal 1bln dah mengharap lebih, cm x logik jek...

der sesuatu yg org x tahu sal aku, aku pun x faham nape aku cm ni tp tu la aku. tp kadang2 aku t'fikir mayB pe yg aku rs sm cm pe yg org tu rs (rimas). tp sebenar nya aku gembira dgn hidup aku sekarang tanpa share dgn org lain yg bkn family aku. aku der kwn2 yg fun, aku der family yg syg aku, aku der impian dan aku der target sebelum aku cari benda yg org nak kan (cinta). bkn sb aku der bad memory tp semua sb aku mmg x nak. sesuka mana pun aku kat die aku tak pergi jauh sb aku x nak "couple". (giler hahaha), tu sb aku x penah ckp sendiri aku suke die.

dan yg paling pelik... aku takut bile der org (lelaki) suke aku (tah nape tah). sejauh boleh aku lari dari org tu. tp aku x kan tinggal kan org yg sentiasa wat aku senang dan comfort.. cm der sorg tu, setiap aku sedih die selalu teman aku nangis, setiap aku nak ketawa die ader tuk gelak sm2 n setiap ada problem die sudi nak dengar. lagi pun die selalu ada bila aku perlu (kadang2 tetibe call time aku bad mood cm tau2 jek) thx sb ada time tu (senyum tuk die~).

pe yg aku p'lu ckp kt die? impian die tinggi tuk aku, tuk jd isteri die? wah~ aku x fikir sal kawen la... kite muda lagi kot~. aku jadi serba salah... pening bila di fikir kan. berdepan dgn org yg x faham erti give up ni penat. dah 2 kali tolak pun x mengalah beb... cm ne ni....help me!!!


Pengalaman Family Pesakit H1N1

this is pengalaman dari my fwez yg family die der kena H1N1 (virus yg menular cm ular b'bisa) ble baca effect penyakit ni rasa seram. so i want to share this with u all supaya kite leh mek ikhtibar n jg diri. naway~ hope u all jauh dari H1N1 ni... smg semua di lindungi dan virus ni will stop cepat. amin~

Pengalaman orang yang ade family dijangkiti H1N1.Untuk panduan bersama.

Based on colleague experience..

High risk infection to person yg smoking, has asthma, children,

Beginner stage

Batuk, selsema, demam, sakit tekak, bila terbesin bunyi tak kuat...

Second Stage

Susah bernafas, simtom macam asthma but not asthma, at this stage if
touch the person, or breath in the same room 80% boleh kena...masa ni
kuarantin...at hospital. Masalahnya sekarang dah ramai yg kena..
tak cukup katil & bilik kuarantin...Bila u pengsan macam nak mati baru
org admitted.macam kes adik I.


Lung infection. Bila X ray we can see the virus covered the lung. Like
brother case. Very scary bila tengok x ray tu. At this stage u need

oksigen with highest level, Strongest antivral..very high drug. At
least 7
days oksigen kena bagi. % to recover depend to age, imune badan u.
why kalau baby atau budak2 susah nak kata...normally die. My brother
ni genap 8 hari..still need oksigen. Kesian dia. Masa tahap critical tu

tercungap2 dia bernafas, sampai menangis..Sampai satu tahap dia
atas simen sbb dah tak tahan...sampai dia give up ..sampai dia blh
lebih baik Allah ambik nyawa dia...Itu lelaki tu..imagine kalau pompuan

atau budak2. We all cuma blh tengok dia dari cermin...tak blh masuk dlm

bilik kuarantin...Dr & nurse aje boleh masuh...siap pakai baju plastik.
support him, what we did bagi sms, bagi dia alquran biar dia baca so
dia tenang, bagi tasbih biar dia zikir ingat Allah & bagi Air

yasin...Alhamdulillah pastu dia ok sikit.Ada hikmahnya...All the family

member unite to support my brother fighting the virus.

Masalahnya hospital swasta tak terima H1N1 case, sekarang ni semua
hospital kerajaan yg most of the doctors still young . The oldest dr in
brother ward was 28 years. All the Otai dah pergi private. Lepas tu
this is the first time to treat H1N1 patient. At the same time dr bz
other case as well...1 doktor 5 patient...kat gov hospital...kesian dr2

tu...berhempas pulas nak selamatkan patient. I appreciate them, mmg
appreciate dia org jaga adik i dgn baik sekali..So far hospital Ampang
the best goverment hospital yg i jumpa..very efficient.Very quick
..Even senior dia org dah pergi private & they don't have much
, dia org tetap work hard give the best treatment to the
tak balik rumah...tidor kat hospital.

Rasa nak peluk & cium dia org sebab selamatkan adik I...

DMU tak best lah lepas nie....sunyi sepi. Take care & be careful with

H1N1. Virus tu very strong...sape kena...memang suffer nak recover...No

vaksin..cuma ada antiviral & our mental warrior to fight them. Very
virus..Can hide in our body...difficult to detect. Only can detect thru

swap which the cost is 1K above. Unable detected in blood as well. When

they start action...Can kill the person if the body immune does not
For those have baby atau anak2, U & ur family do not go to crowded
better wear mask when u outside from home. The vaksin will come to Msia
Nov-Dec. So far yg I nampak..hanya lelaki dewasa can fight the

virus...woman might be 70% , children most probably will die.

**Sharing is Caring**



Aku jumpa benda ni dari kwn aku, tu pun coz aku b'kenan nk jd volunteer n tercari2 tempat yg sesuai. haiwan kan comel, klu tengok keletah die org...huuuu~ senang hati <3>

ok... klu der sape2 berminat nak joint SPCA ni n nak jd volunteer leh la g web site ni:


klu x nak jd volunteer pun korg leh la menderma kat situ. dari kite biar haiwan2 ni berkeliaran merata2 dan berdedai bagus gak die org duk kat situ, mkn terjaga... semua ok lah. aku der terbaca satu ayat, "manusia dan alam hidup harmoni baru lah bumi akan aman" urm~ aku sokong! oleh tu, mari kite berbaik2 dgn alam.... yeaaaah~

ni serba sikit sal campaign "do animal matter to you?". kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut leh la g web site die (yg kat atas tu).

In Support of the Universal Declaration For Animal Welfare (UDAW) The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is working to end animal cruelty through a global petition calling for a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (UDAW)to be adopted by the United Nations. The UDAW is an agreement among people and nations to recognize that animals are sentient and can suffer, to respect their welfare needs and to end animal cruelty - for good.
Did You Know...
  • Globally, there are some 600 million dogs, and a similar number of cats, of which an estimated 80% are stray or unwanted.
  • The illegal and often inhumane trade in wildlife and wildlife parts is a soaring black market worth $10 billion a year, exceeded only by arms and drug smuggling. Millions of wild animals are killed, captured or traded inhumanely in this shady business.
  • An estimated 80% of power input on farms in developing countries is supplied by draught animals, however the resources made available are often woefully inadequate, leading to significant welfare issues.
  • Around 60 billion farm animals are used each year globally to produce meat, milk and eggs. The majority are raised in industrial farming systems where their welfare needs are not met.

Do Animals Matter To You? Sign The Petition!

Help us achieve global recognition that animals matter, that they can feel pain and can suffer and that we have a responsibility to put an end to cruelty around the world. We seek 10 million signatures to let the governments of the world know we are serious about achieving a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare at the United Nations.


Capricorn Character

Capricorn is a Cardinal earth sign, ruled by Saturn. As the 10th sign of the zodiac, the Capricorn individual is stable, hard-working, practical, methodical, and ambitious, never losing sight of his goals regardless of how many obstacles are in the way.

Capricorn on the outside is a cool, calm, reserved individual with powerful inner strength who possesses the innate ability to rise to the top through unflinching conviction and sheer perseverance. This is a rather stoic person who more than anything else enjoys power, respect, and authority, and who is willing to toe the line for as long as it takes to achieve his goals. Inwardly, however, Capricorn may not be the self-confident pillar of strength that he appears to be, and when his power or authority is compromised, he may make flawed decisions that could cause everything he has worked for to go down in flames in a spectacular way - think Richard Nixon or Mel Gibson. Even so, the Capricorn personality is one that is firmly grounded in reality and who will consistently be the voice of reason in a chaotic world. He understands why the rules are in place and conforms accordingly. Though he may seem unfriendly, arrogant, or without humor to outsiders, Capricorn is inwardly quite warm and sympathetic, often with a surprisingly quick wit. Capricorn's general outlook is fairly rigid, and once he forms a view of the world, he will often stubbornly hold on to that view despite compelling evidence to the contrary. He may also be subject to a degree of pessimism, often seeing the glass as half empty rather than half full. Socially, Capricorn is inhibited and uncomfortable in new situations, approaching others at first with caution and suspicion. As far as money is concerned, Capricorn approaches finances as he does everything else - with prudence, planning, and discipline. As such, there are not many Capricorns on the bottom of the barrel in society.

For those with a Capricorn child, you have a kid who is quiet, obedient, and intelligent beyond his years, but who will demonstrate rather marked introversion from an early age. This is a child who is happiest in a close circle of friends and family, a trait he will likely carry throughout his life. Capricorn kids are determined little souls who will do well in school and will often be "teacher's pet" in the classroom. With a personality based on discipline and order, Capricorn kids like a quiet space that is all their own with a place for everything and everything in its place. This is not a kid who you have to entertain every minute of the day, as he will pursue his own interests with little input from you. In fact, of all the signs of the zodiac, Capricorn is the one who is most helpful around the house, starting at a surprisingly young age. Remember, however, that your little Capricorn has a tendency to not be as self-confident as other signs, and without positive feedback from you, he may feel unsuccessful and withdraw into himself. Therefore, as the parent of a Capricorn child, be sure to make it a point to praise your child's efforts at every opportunity, making sure he knows that you value his contributions. Be aware also that even when young, Capricorns have a tendency to become quite pessimistic, so correcting this by pointing out the sliver lining will go far in helping make your Capricorn a successful part of society in later years.

Capricorn in the workplace is the one with the well-appointed office full of earthy materials, with warm wooden desk and bookcases and probably some greenery too. Capricorns are a dream come true for the boss, as they arrive to work punctually and will stay late whenever necessary. Capricorn will willingly carry a heavy load of work, and will steadily and methodically tackle every task without complaint. Capricorn takes his work seriously and has the highest work ethic in the zodiac. He does not waste any time at work hanging around the water cooler socializing, and may therefore be considered cool and unapproachable by co-workers. Though he may not be the most popular person in the office, everyone knows they can count on him to hold up his end, however. If you have a Capricorn boss, he is likely a stern taskmaster who expects you to dress appropriately and hold down your share of work. However, if he feels you are a valuable part of his team, he will take very good care of you and show loyalty and compassion not seen often in bosses from other zodiac signs.

If you have found a romantic partner in a Capricorn, you have an individual that approaches love just like he approaches anything else - with caution and reserve. Remember, though, that this goat has a fish tail, and the fish is the symbol of emotions and feelings. Though Capricorn is known for being traditional, stoic, and even stodgy, underneath is a loyal, sensitive, and yes - even witty partner waiting to come to the surface. A Capricorn partner will expect you to dress and behave in a civilized manner, and the more of an attribute you are to furthering his career, the better. Capricorn will not be the most spontaneous lover on earth, but once committed, he will provide you with stability, loyalty, and security for life. Clingy or needy partners won't suit Capricorn, because it is likely that he will hold his career above or on level with his marriage, so a strong, self-confident mate is a must for this sign!

The best matches for Capricorn for sure are not surprisingly, Taurus and Virgo, the other two earth signs. Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces might also work for some individuals. It will likely be tough going for Aries, Gemini, and Libra.

Capricorn in any relationship is a down-to-earth traditionalist who follows the rules. Once you have been admitted to his inner circle, he will prove a reliable, trustworthy friend who will suffer your shortcomings in silence rather than make a fuss. Capricorn will not be the one to head to the beach on a whim or go out for a night of reckless partying, but he will gladly grill some steaks and provide the red wine for a civilized evening with a few close friends. He is a good friend to bounce ideas off of, as he is by nature cautious and reasonable, always weighing the pros and cons of any given situation. He will probably not be a comedian every day, but he will likely surprise you with very funny comments that seem to come out of the nowhere at the most appropriate moments. All in all, your Capricorn friend will be there for you when you need him, and at work when you don't!



This post contains many common flower varieties that can often be found at your local professional florist.Used alone or mixed with others, they can create a beautiful arrangement.
















Bird of Paradise




Meanings of Flowers

In Victorian times, certain flowers had specific meanings because the flower selection was limited and people used more symbols and gestures to communicate than words. But today, with so many flower choices, there are no rules - it's the sentiment that gives the gift its meaning.

Alstroemeria -aspiring
Amaryllis -dramatic
Anemone -fragile
Apple Blossom -promise
Aster -contentment
Azalea -abundance
Baby's Breath --festivity
Bachelor Button anticipation
Begonia -deep thoughts
Black-Eyed Susan -encouragement
Camellia -graciousness

pink -gratitude
red -flashy
striped -refusal
white -remembrance
yellow -cheerful

bronze -excitement
white -truth
red -sharing
yellow -secret admirer

Cosmos -peaceful
Crocus -foresight
Daffodil -chivalry
Delphinium -boldness
Daisy -innocence
Freesia spirited
Forget-Me-Not -remember me forever
Gardenia -joy
Geranium -comfort
Ginger -proud
Gladiolus -strength of character
Heather -solitude
Hibiscus -delicate beauty
Holly -domestic happiness
Hyacinth -sincerity
Hydrangea -perseverance
Iris -inspiration
Ivy -fidelity
Jasmine -grace and elegance
Larkspur -beautiful spirit
Lavender -distrust
Lilac -first love

Calla -regal
Casablanca -celebration
Day -enthusiasm
Stargazer -ambition
Lisianthus -calming
Magnolia -dignity
Marigold -desire for riches
Nasturtium -patriotism
Orange Blossom -fertility
Orchid -delicate beauty
Pansy -loving thoughts
Passion flower -passion
Peony -healing
Poppy -consolation
Queen Anne's Lace -delicate femininity
Ranunculus -radiant
Rhododendron -beware

pink -friendship
red -passionate love
red & white -unity
white -purity
yellow -zealous

Snapdragon -presumptuous
Star of Bethlehem -hope
Stephanotis -good luck
Statice -success
Sunflower -adoration
Sweetpea -shyness
Tuberose -pleasure

pink -caring
purple -royalty
red -declaration of love
white -forgiveness
yellow -hopelessly in love
Violet -faithfulness

Wisteria -steadfast
Yarrow -good health
Zinnia -thoughts of friends

Virgo character

The Bright Side
The Virgo personality is marked by a very sharp intellect which is used to analyze the natural order of things. Virgos generally tend to be methodical and precise; being drawn only to such knowledge as can be applied usefully. They will happily share this with anyone, however as it confirms their own usefulness in the world and brings them out of their normally reserved shell, eager as they are to play their part.


Caution is another Virgo trait which, if positively used, bestows on those under this Sun sign a fine sense of discrimination between the practical and the fanciful. They will usually develop skills which will enable them to improve themselves and their immediate surroundings and place great pride in tangible achievements.

The Dark Side

In their urge to categorize the mechanics of life and forces that hold them together, Virgos can become obsessed with the notion of order. Anything that upsets this harmony and understanding potentially exposes them to fear of the unknown. For Virgos, there is a place for everything has to have its place: and they will do anything to achieve this.


Virgos are typically labeled as perfectionists. But their concern with high standards has little bearing on the pursuit of ideals; it is more a reflection of a need to have a tight grip on their environment. Virgos will also tend to immerse themselves in the minutest details of how something works in order to enrich their understanding.


A passion for attention to details has given Virgoans a reputation for hypochondria. Mind and body are as one to them. Information is like food: it is digested and only what is useful is absorbed.

Stomach Upsets

If anything threatens this orderly process then both mind and body are affected. Such a preoccupation with health is he Virgoan's attempt to make sure everything goes perfectly to plan. The trouble is that they can worry too much about getting balance right and in the process wear themselves to a frazzle. Virgo rules the abdominal organs, intestines and bowels. Any undue stress and anxiety tends to create nervous indigestion, heartburn or stomach upsets.


Virgos also find it difficult to 'switch off". As pressure build up, they can suffer from insomnia, lose their appetite and become hunched up with nervous tension. Their lesson is to relax and sometimes let life happen spontaneously. As an Earth sign, they are very resourceful, however and can weather physical setbacks that would daunt other less resilient signs. Any stress in their lives can be counteracted with a 'relaxing' habit such as meditation or deep breathing.

Nervous Tension

Fastidious Virgoans can be very self-critical and this can wreak havoc on their sensitive stomachs. These upsets relate to a desire to be in total control and also to fear of letting go. Regular stretching exercises and massage should ease such tension. Virgoans can also take preventative measures by sticking to a healthy diet and relaxing.


Although they may seem shy, introverted and self-conscious on the surface, Virgos blossom and relax once love comes their way.

Virgos sometimes find it hard to show their love. They have a thoughtful approach, and always look before they leap, analyzing all the possible consequences of a relationship.


When looking for a partner to sweep you off your feet with tender words of love and steamy nights of passion, it is wise to think before picking a Virgo.

It is often a real effort for them to make the first move in the game of love - they are so sure that they are going to fail. Although they may long to cast caution to the wind, they have to conquer their emotional inhibitions first. But with the help of a loving, patient and understanding partner, love will blossom.

Once they have found a true love, Virgos can be very faithful and will work hard to keep the relationship alive and exciting. However, they can nag, carp or fault-find whenever their partners fail to come up to scratch.

Because they have such standards, it can be constants battle for the Virgo's partner who has to struggle to fulfill these expectations. Rows begin when they unintentionally deeply offend their loved love in this way.

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