The Bright Side
The Virgo personality is marked by a very sharp intellect which is used to analyze the natural order of things. Virgos generally tend to be methodical and precise; being drawn only to such knowledge as can be applied usefully. They will happily share this with anyone, however as it confirms their own usefulness in the world and brings them out of their normally reserved shell, eager as they are to play their part.
Caution is another Virgo trait which, if positively used, bestows on those under this Sun sign a fine sense of discrimination between the practical and the fanciful. They will usually develop skills which will enable them to improve themselves and their immediate surroundings and place great pride in tangible achievements.
The Dark Side
In their urge to categorize the mechanics of life and forces that hold them together, Virgos can become obsessed with the notion of order. Anything that upsets this harmony and understanding potentially exposes them to fear of the unknown. For Virgos, there is a place for everything has to have its place: and they will do anything to achieve this.
Virgos are typically labeled as perfectionists. But their concern with high standards has little bearing on the pursuit of ideals; it is more a reflection of a need to have a tight grip on their environment. Virgos will also tend to immerse themselves in the minutest details of how something works in order to enrich their understanding.
A passion for attention to details has given Virgoans a reputation for hypochondria. Mind and body are as one to them. Information is like food: it is digested and only what is useful is absorbed.
Stomach Upsets
If anything threatens this orderly process then both mind and body are affected. Such a preoccupation with health is he Virgoan's attempt to make sure everything goes perfectly to plan. The trouble is that they can worry too much about getting balance right and in the process wear themselves to a frazzle. Virgo rules the abdominal organs, intestines and bowels. Any undue stress and anxiety tends to create nervous indigestion, heartburn or stomach upsets.
Virgos also find it difficult to 'switch off". As pressure build up, they can suffer from insomnia, lose their appetite and become hunched up with nervous tension. Their lesson is to relax and sometimes let life happen spontaneously. As an Earth sign, they are very resourceful, however and can weather physical setbacks that would daunt other less resilient signs. Any stress in their lives can be counteracted with a 'relaxing' habit such as meditation or deep breathing.
Nervous Tension
Fastidious Virgoans can be very self-critical and this can wreak havoc on their sensitive stomachs. These upsets relate to a desire to be in total control and also to fear of letting go. Regular stretching exercises and massage should ease such tension. Virgoans can also take preventative measures by sticking to a healthy diet and relaxing.
Although they may seem shy, introverted and self-conscious on the surface, Virgos blossom and relax once love comes their way.
Virgos sometimes find it hard to show their love. They have a thoughtful approach, and always look before they leap, analyzing all the possible consequences of a relationship.
When looking for a partner to sweep you off your feet with tender words of love and steamy nights of passion, it is wise to think before picking a Virgo.
It is often a real effort for them to make the first move in the game of love - they are so sure that they are going to fail. Although they may long to cast caution to the wind, they have to conquer their emotional inhibitions first. But with the help of a loving, patient and understanding partner, love will blossom.
Once they have found a true love, Virgos can be very faithful and will work hard to keep the relationship alive and exciting. However, they can nag, carp or fault-find whenever their partners fail to come up to scratch.
Because they have such standards, it can be constants battle for the Virgo's partner who has to struggle to fulfill these expectations. Rows begin when they unintentionally deeply offend their loved love in this way.
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